Shinrin Yoku Immersion Weekend Retreats and Joy Trail Blazers
How much Shinrin Yoku do you need?
All evidence around Nature Therapy and Shinrin Yoku indicates the more times you ‘deep dive’, the greater the long-term effects on your health and wellbeing. These can last for months and can even help you live longer and a have more resilience for a more peaceful life. So whilst one session helps you for a week, ongoing practices can last a lifetime.
This means we love it if you want to experience a greater and more long-lasting connection by attending multiple experiences.
We do this with our South West Weekend Immersion Retreats, and also joining our exclusive group of Joy Trail-Blazers!
Shinrin Yoku Weekend Immersion Retreats
Go deep on your own personal journey, with a small group of other passionate individuals in different forest and beach locations over a weekend, commencing Saturday and finishing Sunday lunchtime, to really immerse with nature and receive long-term healing effects. You will make new friends and learn to practice new techniques that suit you, to continue to receive nature healing when you head back home. .
You will receive fully guided forest therapy and Shinrin Yoku sessions, guided interactive lessons, a beautiful journal for your Joy Journey and free entry to our community of “JoyTrail Blazers”, including a monthly newsletter and exclusive offers, with friends you made over your weekend away.
As Immersion Retreats are flexible, we only come together for specific times and experiences. This allows you to find your own peace and calm, and gives you plenty of free time in between to relax or engage in other South West treats.
Receive hours of practical content and Guided Therapy techniques to recharge and find your way to bliss Bring a friend or organise a whole group on a weekend that suits you. Contact JoyTrails for your Joy Journey !
Price varies depending on location / 6max. Discounts may apply for groups and repeat visits. Contact for details
“Thank you so much. I had no expectations other than to have a weekend away from my stressful busy life! I was slightly nervous that Forest Bathing wouldn't do anything immediate for me, but was surprised to feel my shoulders had unwound and relaxed after the first session. Walking the coastal path and browsing the beach for pebbles was super relaxing and one of my favourite things to do. I was able to find some mental peace by the 3rd session and enjoyed the quietness of the trees. It was helpful to be guided through it by you. I am going to recommend it to everyone I know.”
Rachel, Immersion weekend Participant
JoyTrail Blazers
Do you want to receive greater long-term healing in nature and experience more JoyTrails Nature Therapy?
Come and make new friends and receive exclusive special offers by becoming a JoyTrails Blazer.
JoyTrail Blazers receive exclusive deals, more ‘deep dives’, a monthly newsletter and discounts on special events.
Becoming a JoyTrails Blazer is easy, just attend a Shin rin Yoku Immersion Weekend, invite 2 friends to come to an experience, or attend more than 2 experiences in 6 months. We look forward to seeing you soon!