Let’s not “Try”.
Let’s just be in our bodies, not in our heads!
I have been a bit quiet of late, just going to the beach when I can, and braving the cold. I’ve been jumping in and splashing about, playing. The last few months have been wonderful, however they have been tiring. So, I’ve needed to just regroup and take stock. Thankfully, the weather up until this weekend has been lovely. Although not warm, it has not been wet. We’ve had some lovely soft autumn (Djilba) days, so the swimming has been amazing. Just like any form of nature bathing , real ocean swimming definitely keeps us grounded and centred. My brain literally stops, and I go into my body again, which is what all intentional Forest Bathing is about.
So, in this spirit, I’ve decided I’m going to give you a series of blogs in the coming few weeks, when the mood takes me, on what Shinrin Yoku can do for you, because it really is quite substantial! These “Lessons from Nature” will be mostly about what’s going on in your head. Not because there aren’t loads of amazing physiological benefits as well, I just think this time of the year, when it’s a bit cold and dark, we can need a bit of motivation in our heads to get active and get ‘out there’. So these little motivations might help!
In the meantime, I will leave you with a thought.
Let’s not TRY.
Those of you who’ve met me, know I find the word “try”, super annoying. I work hard, in conversations, to not use it at all. Yoda once famously told Luke in StarWars -”Do, or not Do, there is no Try”, and I really like Yoda’s advice here! When someone says they will “try”, what does that really mean? It means they have already resigned themselves to not doing it. It’s a failure word. Not only that, it’s a cop out. It’s a word we simply do not need to use if we are being honest. Think about the last time you used it. Maybe it was when you were busy at the shops, and ran into an acquaintance, someone you aren’t really close to, and they say- “Let’s catch up!” and you say “Oh yes, soon, I’ll try to organise something!” and then you rush off. But, you are not going to call them, are you? You aren’t going to organise anything. So why say it? Because you are ‘trying’ to be nice? ! Well, how about just BE NICE. Or not. Be honest. Or not. Just commit to something! Because none of us have the need for this kind of inaction. It’s debilitating for everyone. It’s tiring. it requires energy we could better put towards a forward movement or an action. It’s failing, and we didn’t even TRY!
So now I’ve had my little rant, let’s look at what this has to do with Shinrin Yoku. Because I am sure you are wondering why I’m rabbiting on about about words and semantics when I am a Forest Bathing guide and not an English teacher! Well, the reason is this- Forest Bathing, spending time in nature, is about intention. It’s a commitment, you make, in your head and with your body, to consciously interact with nature. It is not walking in nature, or taking photographs of wildflowers, or walking the dog (although you can do these things perhaps, as part of it, with practice). It is setting an intention to BE WITH NATURE and to honour her by paying her attention. It’s not about trying, in the way we use it all of the time in our lives. It is simply, about actually committing, and DOING. It means you do not start off as failing before you’ve even begun. Shinrin Yoku, is also, not meant to be a painful, hard thing, which often is what trying ends up being. There is all of this energy in a “try’, which is not only depressing, it’s also lacklustre and uninspiring. We do not want our Shinrin Yoku to be such an uphill battle where we are wrestling with feelings. We want to be present. We don’t want to have to ‘try to find the time” to do it, or “try to find a place”, or even worry the you aren’t ‘trying’ hard enough to be doing it properly! We don’t want to set out to Shinrin Yoku with any limitations at all. We want to just be.
Sure, you might have limited time. But that’s ok. Set a timer on your phone. Done. Now get on with doing it!
Sure, it might seem weird and hard to start with, but the idea is we don’t fight our brain. We train it. We tell it to be a good brain and pause for a while. We commit. And when our brain attempts to argue with us, we kindly tell it to concentrate on the plant in front of us, or the cold water on our skin, or the air on our cheeks. We don’t need to TRY, we need to just BE, or DO. It’s a feeling. Trying is a big negative thought process we do not need to experience.
So, if you can this week, take a moment to think about the times you’ve used that word. Was it necessary? IS it necessary? Because honestly, you probably didn’t need it. Be honest with yourself. Be honest with others.
Do or not do, there is no try.
And if you consciously choose to BE, or do, then Be or DO. Throw all of yourself into it. Because like Shinrin Yoku or ocean bathing, nature is there. She is waiting, to talk, play and interact with you. Right THERE. And you don’t need to try at all. You don’t need to think, you need to go into your body and let it happen, freely.
Trust me. Natures got you!
I have lots coming up, so please visit JoyTrails again soon, or contact me on the link below. I’ve got storytelling, journalling and Shinrin Yoku and connecting with other beautiful people just like you, who want to find their way back to becoming a HUMAN BE-ING again! It’s easy. Just don’t try(!) Simply put your name and email below and I’ll be in touch, and I can organise something for you very soon. Easy.
xxx Jacquie